The Spirit Within You

"And all of us, with unveiled faces, seeing the glory of the Lord as though reflected in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another; for this comes from the Lord, the Spirit." (2 Corinthians 3:18)

God has been working since the beginning of creation to bring us to righteousness. God started out otherworldly. With each human failure, God would respond with increased intimacy. By the time of Moses, the people could be in the presence of God, but Moses still required the people to veil their faces so they would not die.

The intimacy increased from generation to generation until God became flesh in Jesus of Nazareth. Humanity went from covering their faces from God upon death to seeing and interacting with God in the flesh. In 2 Corinthians, the intimacy of the Holy Spirit is even more profound. This intimacy brings us closer to being transformed into the same image of faithfulness.

The Holy Spirit is a powerful yet uncontrollable force. The Spirit frustrates us because it follows God's will, which is often not our will. Yet, the more we include the Spirit in our daily lives, the more our lives become enmeshed with the Spirit. Daily prayer, weekly worship, and compassionate action are ways we allow the Spirit to move in and through us.

While we will never be fully saturated in the Spirit because of our human sinfulness, we can become intimately bound to the Spirit. There are monks, nuns, and other faithful people who can almost live each moment, keeping the Spirit in their minds. Every thought, every decision, and every action is decided by first including the Spirit in the decision. I am thankful for God's mercy because no matter how hard I try, I have never been able to master this divine intimacy.

Perhaps most of us did not intend to master this level of spiritual intimacy. God values those who do not give up amidst the spiritual struggle. God does not expect perfection. Our very humanity keeps us from perfection. Even while in sin, God blesses our resilience and faithful determination. No matter where you are in your spiritual journey, God's Spirit is in you. The more you participate in the works of the Spirit, the more you recognize the Spirit's presence in you and around you.

Today, sit quietly in the presence of the Holy Spirit. Do not try to form words or plan an activity. Just quietly sit and allow the Spirit to calm your heart and mind. Over the coming week, carve out moments of silent time to become open to the Spirit. The more you sit in silence, the more the Spirit will become known to you. It will become a comfortable and blessed experience you look forward to each day.


Interpretation Without Wisdom is Destructive!


Far-Right and Far-Left, Hug Each Other!