The Risk You Cannot Afford Not to Take!
written by: Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski
“He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap. As you do not know the way the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a woman with child, so you do not know the work of God who makes everything. In the morning sow your seed, and at evening withhold not your hand, for you do not know which will prosper, this or that, or whether both alike will be good. ”
As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized the power of my choices. Like everyone else, some of my favorites have been productive, while others have been misguided and disappointing. The most painful decisions for many are those we ignored. Perhaps we considered ourselves incapable or unworthy of becoming the choice before us. Maybe we were too scared to struggle, with little assurance of long-term success. Whatever the concern, there are consequences for not choosing what God calls us to be in this world.
Julia Cameron addresses the need to be vigilant and courageous in the choices we make. She quotes the famous Austrian management consultant Peter Drucker who affirms, “There is the risk you cannot afford to take, [and] there is the risk you cannot afford not to take.” Cameron challenges us to “…learn to be spiritual in this world, to trust that God is good…” The more we become in tune with our spiritual life and God’s voice, the more we begin to trust our creative desires.
God has huge plans for our life. We were made in God’s image to make a difference in this world. That difference does not necessarily mean making the most money. Working part-time and spending more time nurturing your vocation may be the answer. It may not mean having your art displayed at the Chicago Art Institute or your writing becoming a best seller. God may be calling you to impact one person or just a few. Because humility is a divine attribute, our calling may not be recognized by the masses. Still, as long as God recognizes our creative call and it is valuable to God, our risk is worth the effort, and God blesses our choices.
Today is a homework day. Your homework is to consider a few questions and write down your answers prayerfully. Question One: The biggest lack in my life is____________. Question Two: The greatest joy in my life is______________. Question Three: I worry that ___________. Question Four: If my dreams come true, my family will _____________.
As you prayerfully answer these questions, clarity may come to you regarding how you are to answer God’s call. God takes caring for family seriously and does not want you to put your financial future at too much risk. But that doesn’t mean you and God cannot make a series of small life changes that can transform your creative life. The key is focusing on your spiritual life and listening to what God is saying to you. Commit to listen and consider what God is calling you to do at this time in your life.