The Future of our Religion and Nation

written by: Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

The conspiracy grew in strength, and the people with Absalom kept increasing.
— 2 Samuel 15:12

The Christian religion is facing a moment of crisis. There are numerous examples of charismatic churches, especially those willing to sacrifice our nation’s democracy to fulfill their social agenda, which they believe comes directly from God. Hot-button issues, like abortion or LGBTQAI rights, have ignited anger and resentment for other Christians and the nation’s democratic identity. They base their ideology on the idea that God’s laws are more vital to the country and world than the human concept of democracy. These religious groups give lip service to the term “democracy” but argue that when democracy does not live up to God’s laws, democracy must take a backseat.


The problem that comes with these Christians is their arrogant belief that their ideas are 100% God’s expectations. If they are 100% true, no one else needs or deserves a voice or vote. Now, not every Evangelical Christian organization is theologically arrogant or willing to throw out our nation’s democracy. Yet, not entirely condemning the Christian groups who speak such religious and political heresy because they agree on many issues empowers the worst among them.  


The Southern Poverty Law Center warns that these large numbers of churches often align themselves with larger groups like the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). In the Southern Poverty Law Center document, “Decoding the Plan to Undo Democracy,” they declare, “These far-right figures claim to be ‘God’s ambassadors and spokesperson over the earth’ who ‘are equipped and delegated by Him to destroy every attempted advance of the enemy.’” The NAR adheres to “dominionism,” which the SPLC describes as “The theocratic idea that Christians are called by God to exercise dominion over every aspect of society by taking control of political and cultural institutions.”


Many in the Christian community ask, “What can we do?”  We begin with prayer because we are responsible for sharing our concerns and fears with God. Through prayer, God provides the Spirit’s direction to address these theological abominations wisely. Next, we need to continue talking and sharing. Dangerous ignorance increases its control when we ignore it. God is calling us to address theological foolishness that celebrates exclusivity and the arrogant belief that a small but influential group is the only one with a proper understanding of Almighty God. Pray, reflect, communicate, and trust the Holy Spirit to guide our nation and world through this crisis.


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