Stop, Drop, and Roll

Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved. (Psalm 55:22)

I still haven’t learned how to address the challenge when I feel overwhelmed. I am sixty-plus years old, have advanced degrees in pastoral care, and have a ton of life experience, but I still seem to follow the same struggle before I reach calm. First is the crush of emotion that feels like a wave of feeling that engulfs my brain. Then, I run in mental circles attempting to fix what I cannot yet digest. The process continues until I finally realize I cannot fix it and eventually turn, exhausted, to God in silent prayer.

When will I learn to shorten the uncomfortable time and not continue the long cycle of flailing around for control? Emotional fire is not much different from physical fire. In both instances, the way to healing is “stop, drop, and roll.” Now, I am not recommending the minute you start feeling anxiety, you throw yourself on the floor and roll around. Instead, I need to stop my mental flailing, drop to my knees, and pray. Silent prayer calms the mind and spirit, allowing the Holy Spirit to guide.

In his article “Searching In The Wrong Places,” Dan Pedersen speaks to the power of silence. Pedersen describes our inner struggle, “We tend to look for fulfillment outside ourselves. Through the opinions of others. Through material possessions. Through promotions at work, etc. We forget to turn back to ourselves. To go within.” Pedersen reminds us, “Silence is a great teacher. Silence helps us be more aware of how we’re feeling. To be aware of our negative thought patterns, to recognize holes in our character, and to see ourselves as part of the bigger picture. To be reminded of what’s truly important. To stop searching for peace and love in the wrong places.

I doubt I am the only one who struggles when addressing emotional challenges. Don’t allow the same cycle of overwhelming emotion to take over while you strive to fix the situation yourself. Instead, “stop, drop, and roll.” Stop trying to fix everything. Drop to your knees and silently pray. Then, you will stop your emotions from rolling out of control. Through silence and prayer, God will bring perspective back to your thoughts so you can make the most intelligent and faithful responses in your struggle. You deserve divine support rather than uncomfortable flailing. Silent prayer is the answer to calm and control. Remember to stop, drop, and roll.


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