Overcoming the Messiah Complex

Likewise, you who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. (1 Peter 5:5)

Christians are called to be caring individuals. We are also called to be a loving community through faith in Jesus Christ. So why is it so difficult to make a supportive difference? Part of the problem is that our world is complex, and answers and actions are not easy, and short-term fixes are often illusory. Another issue comes from a more personal place. In A Path through the Jungle, Professor Steve Peters says, “A major pitfall when dealing with problems and troubles is to engage with them, before first getting yourself into a good place, and then finding solutions and ways forward.”

Even when we are not the initial concern, we can quickly become part of the problem when we bring our emotional baggage into a situation. We can be part of the problem even when our intentions are noble. As people of faith, we must be emotionally and spiritually honest and in tune with our motivations. We get ourselves into the good place by knowing our history, strengths, and weaknesses and being humble enough to know our limitations.

When I became the pastor in my first congregation, I became pastor, priest, therapist, would-be AA sponsor, and many other identities. A small town in the late 1980s had many needs and few resources. Yet just because I wanted to meet everyone’s needs didn’t mean I was trained, capable, or available to be everyone’s everything. Getting myself into a good place required me to set priorities, recognize my limitations, and communicate communal needs with others who might work with me. When I got to my good place, I was better able to make a lasting difference and remain emotionally and spiritually healthy for years to come.

Today, prayerfully think about what you desire from life and what you believe God is calling you to do now. Are you sure it is a call from God? Could it just be your compassion combined with a bit of a messiah complex? We will never be all things to all people. It isn’t humanly possible. Thankfully, God can make miracles using many diverse people. I was amazed at the people God brought to my life when I finally stopped trying to fix everything. God will want us to care for the same people you do. Trust God to provide support when it is needed.


Learning from Leo


From Trouble to Peace