Putin, Trump, and Each of Us Better Pay Attention

written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

To whom much is given, much is expected.
— Luke 12:48

We are insignificant beings. Even President Trump and President Putin are insignificant. They may have wealth and a certain prestige, but it is momentary. In a hundred years, they will be a footnote in history. In eternity, God will judge them, just like anyone else. God will judge the two Presidents more critically. “To whom much is given, much is expected” (Lk. 12:48) should ring in the ears of all who have power and authority. Keeping an eternal perspective will help us face the challenging times ahead.

The American President is 78 years old, the Russian President is 72, and both have familial ties to the Christian faith. Both men are in the later stage of life. God will not allow either man to take their wealth or privilege with them into a Kingdom that will no longer be theirs. If they believe the faith both were baptized into, Putin into Russian Orthodox Christianity and Trump, the Presbyterian Church, they will see that their actions in this life have consequences in God’s Kingdom.

Both men have made ethical and moral decisions that are unjust. While none of us are perfect, and all of us sin and fall short, millions suffer when a world leader makes an unholy decision. I pray each day that our national and world leaders will not live for today alone but with an eye on the eternal. Trump, Putin, and all leaders should recognize that pleasing and honoring God through justice, compassion, and mercy for all people is a divine imperative. If they only act in their personal interest when they are elected to serve all God’s children, sacred justice will be harsh.

We must all pray for our leaders. I pray they will see, out of eternal self-interest, if nothing else, that they should rule with a Christ-like compassion for all God’s children. The prayer for a compassionate heart should extend to all people. Even those of us who are without power but who speak and vote to exclude, with a hate-filled attitude, will also stand before the divine judgment seat. God is a loving God, but that does not mean that God does not expect much from us. It is time to act now, not with selfish immediacy, but with an eye on God’s eternal kingdom.


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