Pray for Christina Applegate
Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski
“Who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of humans. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. ”
Last week Christina Applegate announced she has Multiple Sclerosis. I do not know Ms. Applegate personally, but I enjoy her movies and television shows. The reason I am sad is that she is a reminder of the fragility of life. If a wealthy, well-loved celebrity cannot avoid a dreaded disease, it is a painful reminder that all of us are living on borrowed time.
One of the many blessings of the Christian faith is the promise of God’s ongoing care and healing. Now, often that healing is not freedom from disease. Instead, we are healed from the emotional and spiritual destructiveness of the disease. Through the Holy Spirit, God gives us the gift of endurance to face health challenges. God provides us with the gift of self-worth, so we experience personal value even as our opportunities to experience life are diminishing. Finally, God gives us the gift of eternal life. It is infinitely easier to face pain and struggle when we know that pain and increased limitation is not all that is left in our existence.
God provides the motivation, support, and promise to heal necessary to face challenges with courage. Throughout my ministry I have had so many faithful members who have endured MS. I am always amazed at the authentic acceptance, and feisty determination awakened simultaneously within most MS patients. With each physical action and activity taken away from the MS patient with faith, they find the way of acceptance and recommit to the opportunities still available in their lives.
Today, pray for Christina Applegate and all those who have Multiple Sclerosis. Further, ask God to give us the wisdom to learn from their knowledge and faith. So often, the more the person with a severe illness declines physically, the more the person learns lessons beyond the grasp of those of us who haven’t experienced their challenges. In gleaning wisdom from one who suffers, their illness becomes a gift that God uses to enlighten those around them. As Jesus suffered and died for all humanity, so, too, do those who suffer faithfully provide the gift of wisdom, so when our time comes to bear our cross, we will have the skills necessary to not only endure, but to provide a faithful example to others.