Our Own Wrestling Match
written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski
“Jacob was left alone; and a man wrestled with him until daybreak. When the man saw that he did not prevail against Jacob, he struck him on the hip socket; and Jacob’s hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with him. Then he said, “Let me go, for the day is breaking.” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go, unless you bless me.”
Christians are often shocked to find that God does not keep us from times of struggle. Where is “the peace which surpasses all understanding?” If it helps, God allowing suffering goes back to the Bible. In Genesis, God is not simply allowing a struggle to take place, but God is the one “wrestling” with Jacob. So don’t feel bad if you find yourself wrestling with God.
The Cardinal’s army chased Martin Luther and forced him to hide in the Wartburg Castle to avoid being murdered. Martin Luther King Jr. was also a man of faith, and his calling to address Civil Rights brought him continual struggle. I am sure there were moments when both men asked God to free them from their burden. I feel confident that God said, “No, your call is to struggle on behalf of humanity.” The sad part is they couldn’t even whine because Jesus had already struggled even more. The most remarkable global transformations occurred because of faithful people willing to struggle for the greater good.
Sometimes, our struggles are not as altruistic as the lives of Martin Luther and Dr. King. Sometimes, we struggle and even wrestle with God because we are going down a bad road, and God intercedes. Our stubbornness and sin can cause our struggles to be very intense. Jacob cheated his brother Esau out of his rightful inheritance. Jacob was cunning and manipulative, and rather than cast Jacob out, God wrestled with him. The struggle became so rough that “Jacob’s hip was put out of joint.” God fought with Jacob, intending to bring him back to the narrow road of faith.
Today, think about the moments you struggled the most. Was God allowing you to struggle for a greater good or perhaps to lead you back to the righteous path? I hate pain and struggle, and while you’re in the midst of it, it is hard to see beyond the immediate pain. Yet, we can see God at work in the struggle after a time. These can be painful moments. Yet, the pain can lead us to a new and more intimate place with God. Don’t just try forgetting the pain, but dare to revisit the struggle and find the Spirit’s learning.