Opportunity or Anchor?!

Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
— 2 Corinthians 9:7 (NRSV)

I often read articles based on their title, which is ironic because I stink at writing my sermon titles. I am regularly intrigued by Niklas Goke’s article titles. The latest one to catch my eye is entitled, “Responsibility Is Freedom.” It reminds me of a good friend of mine. He owns his own business which has had between 100-200 employees over the years, depending on the latest technology. My friend was raised by blue-collar parents who worked hard for hourly wages. He felt the responsibility of all the families who relied on his business acumen in order to make their own living. Rather than shy away from the responsibility, he embraced it knowing he was making a difference in people’s lives.


Some people flee from responsibility. I know another person who cannot keep a job, walked out on his wife and kids, and isn’t financially supportive. He considers responsibility a burden, like an anchor around his leg. I wish this guy could read Goke’s article and internalize it. Goke affirms, “Freedom is not about shedding your responsibilities, it’s about choosing them.”  The one person I described used his freedom to take on responsibilities he valued, and has been successful, not just financially, but successful in life. The other person chose a warped sense of freedom and has yet to find lasting joy and meaning.


Today, consider the way you look at freedom. Is it an opportunity or an anchor? Have you used your freedom to make decisions that make a difference, or do you use your freedom to run away from responsibility? It is never too late. There are always new opportunities to use your freedom to make a positive difference in the world around you. “God blesses a cheerful giver.” That passage means more than money. It means giving of yourself and your freedom for a worthy cause. Find yours and live it to the fullest!


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