You Can Have a Superpower, Being Calm

And Jesus looked around at them with anger, grieved their hardness of heart, and said to the man, ‘Stretch out your hand.’ He stretched it out, and his hand was restored. (Mark 3:5)

Jesus wasn’t always calm. Yet, even when he was angry, he remained in control. Jesus’ anger, like all his emotions, had a specific, beneficial purpose. It takes a spiritual and emotional calm to show feeling with purpose. Most of us cannot master cognitive control without years of practice, prayer, and, sadly, experience with challenging situations. Through intentional involvement, we become masters of our emotions and calm even in harsh conditions.

I turn again to Thomas Oppong for assistance. His article “Staying Calm When Things Go Wrong is a Superpower” provides an avenue into our emotional maturity. Oppong helps by giving a quote by Keith Hill Jr., “Learning to be calm in the face of danger, perceived or real, gives you confidence and mental clarity in the situation.” When you remain calm and mindful of what is happening around you and are in tune with your feelings, you can act gracefully in any situation.

Life can sometimes feel challenging, but it is transformative when we retain control of our reactions. Oppong says, “Stay in solutions mode: don’t dwell on the obstacle.” Instead, attempt to balance rationality with empathy. If we empathize all the time, our emotions will manipulate the facts. Similarly, if we respond only rationally, we lose touch with our identity. We find emotional and spiritual wisdom in balancing our rational side with our emotions.

Our life is not our own. How we respond to painful situations affects our family, friends, and those inserting themselves into our lives at any moment. Likewise, our responses impact our relationship with God. God impacts every aspect of our lives, including the way we respond to the world around us. Make your emotional and rational thought a priority in your life. Not only will those around you benefit, but you will too. You will regain control, feel intimacy with God as the Holy Spirit, and work cooperatively to retain your integrity.


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