Preparing a Worthy Life

As in water face reflects face, so the heart of a person reflects the person. (Proverbs 27:19)

Next week, we will begin the season of Advent. It is a season of waiting, wishing, and preparation. We are preparing to meet the Messiah. If we take the Messianic expectation seriously, we should reflect on our lives and determine what we desire for our lives in the time remaining in this world. An essential aspect of our spiritual Advent process is working on who we will be when we meet our Messiah.

In “Debunking the Myth That Your Thoughts and Feelings Define Who You Are,” Charles Black, M.D., helps our preparation to meet the divine. He reminds us, “Your thoughts and feelings come and go; they do not persist. Thus, you are more than your thoughts and feelings.” We are our actions more than our thoughts. God calls us to tend to our emotions but not be condemned for them. Similarly, our actions become an idol when they define us instead of allowing God to determine our being.

We take power by handing it back to the Creator. We learn to respond thoughtfully rather than react without consideration as we develop spiritual maturity. When we guide ourselves by thoughtful preparation, we reduce our suffering and that of others. Dr. Black defines the process, “Suffering is when you enter a cycle of ruminating on that hurt, which causes it to persist and grow.” Rumination is another form of obsession. Pain need not evolve into suffering if we do not become manipulated by our unreflected thoughts and actions.

Today, take the courage to slow your actions long enough to reflect on your thoughts. Do not define yourself by them, but listen and evaluate them honestly and sincerely. God intends not to break down our confidence but to instill integrity. No one promised a Godly life would be simple. Instead, focusing on our intentions requires hard work with a beneficial outcome. Our earthly task is to honor our divine Creator, who has already redeemed us and continues to sustain us. We praise God for the hard work of including God in our thought process. Do not give up or give in. Instead, master your thoughts with the assistance of the Holy Spirit.


The Recipe for Becoming


Peace in Distressing Times