Take a Long Look at Your Belly Button

Do not bet conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Rom. 12:2)

Several times in my ministry, people have criticized the faith by describing it as "navel-gazing", and I find the phrase insulting. Navels are worth pondering. Without them, our fetal selves would not have umbilical cords, and life would fail to exist. A little navel-gazing might help us recognize the value of our lives and the gift God has given us.

Another gift of navel-gazing is that it requires us to focus on what is essential rather than what is on the never-ending "to-do" list. When the question, "What's next?" becomes more critical than “Who am I?" it is time to give your belly button a long look. In "The Great Escape-An Existential Fear of Living in The Present," Thomas Oppong pronounces, "When you are always focused on 'what's next' without taking time to reflect on your actions and habits, it leads to a lack of self-awareness and hinders your ability to make meaningful progress." Those accusing others of navel-gazing often spin their wheels, not making meaningful progress.

Navel gazing can guide our perception of time. Meaningful reflection does not only focus on the past, where obsession can often take place. Future thinking is illusive because it remains unknowable. All we can do is create potential scenarios. With the Spirit's influence, the best belly button gazing moments occur in the present. This very second, you can avoid obsession with the past and playing guessing games with the future when we focus on what we can control. We can control how we address situations in the now.

Today, try focusing on each moment. Pray for God to give you the gift of navel-gazing so you can be your best, faithful self in each moment—practice seeking God's innovative care by reflecting with the Spirit on your navel. While I am providing a little tongue-in-cheek with my navel-gazing illustration, the truth remains. You and I can only grow when we invite the Spirit to work with us in the ongoing struggle to know ourselves by knowing and acting with the Spirit's leading. May God bless your focus on your belly button in the present moment.


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