Responding to the Pain of Despair

When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He keeps all his bones; not one of them is broken. (Psalm 34:17-20)

Affirmation is a vital human need. We can slide into despair when we do not feel valued or worthy. Yet, none of us can remain in despair indefinitely. Unattended despair creates emotional and physical pain. Despair can lead to several forms of emotional dysfunction, including suicidal ideation. The Church can be an ideal place to bring hope that overcomes despair and brings new life to our present situation. Sharing hope to combat despair is Christ-like activity and worthy of our evangelism.

I recently attended an event where the Church of Satan was present. Their “church” had every right our United States Constitution afforded them to be present at the event. They were only six in the crowd of several hundred, and while their leader had a microphone, they did not get much attention. At a distance, I studied their group for several minutes. I never saw a smile or joy during an otherwise celebratory occasion. They appeared angry and empty.

The Church of Satan website defines itself in this way, “We Satanists are thus our own ‘Gods,’ and as beneficent ‘deities’ we can offer love to those who deserve it and deliver wrath (within reasonable limits) upon those who seek to cause us-or that which we cherish-harm.” I cannot think of anything more despairing than believing that I am my own god. We are all condemned if I am as good as it gets in the universe. If fairness is the only ethic, and everyone is god, we will all destroy ourselves.

The Church of Satan is a false response to the pain of despair. I prayed for each of the six individuals representing their “church.” Studying them closely, you could see the pain in their countenance. Interestingly, they were using their god and church to frighten and intimidate others, so their pain and despair could be lessened quickly. Their group and its ideology will hurt them throughout their lives. The belief in their power to wield wrath will keep them from overcoming their despair. May we learn from their sad example and respond with love beyond selfishness and personal power. Christ-like love is the way through the pain of despair and the path to life anew.


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