Stop the Emotional Spinning

In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all humanity. (Job 12:10)

AAAAHHHHHGGGG! At least once per year, I walk down to the basement and offer God my primal scream! I am far from a control freak, but we all have hopes and plans we want to achieve. It is challenging to remain calm and controlled when life feels like slipping away. Yet, life isn’t always within our control, so if we cannot learn to handle life’s messiness, our world will spiral. Sometimes the messiness is disruptive, while other times, the situation isn’t as painful as it feels in the moment, and we catastrophize the problem. Either way, addressing moments when we feel out of control healthily is vital to our long-term well-being.

“What to Do When Life Feels Out of Control” by Darshak Rana provides recommendations for addressing the sensation of emotional free fall. First, we must address the mistaken idea that we can create perfection. Once we accept that life is unpredictable, our challenges become more realistic. A healthy response requires a change of perspective. Rana helps us change our viewpoint with the following recommendations: “Break down each problem into smaller parts and tackle them one by one. Think of creative solutions or ask for help if needed. Believe that you have the power to change things.”

When we feel out of control, everything seems enormous; being able to break issues down makes the situation manageable. Creativity is essential but nearly impossible when overwhelmed. Finding assistance or talking through the problem with a trusted person provides clarity. Finally, you do have the power to address your life’s challenges. It will probably not be easy or find its conclusion quickly. Yet, healthy resolution occurs when you “Prioritize your peace and mental health over anything else in life.”

You are valuable and worthy of inner peace. Validation doesn't create your worth because worth is claimed in the image of God. God made you for a purpose, and taking back control of your emotions is necessary to fulfill your dreams and God’s call. Do not allow catastrophic feelings to take control of your thoughts. Before it gets beyond its infancy, tell yourself to stop the thoughts. At this moment, begin praying for God to create clarity of thought and emotion so you can take back your life from the emotions that try to grab control when you invite the Spirit to assist you in the thought process, creativity, calm, and clarity return. You and the Spirit place the power back where it belongs, with you.


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