Hope Finds a Way

And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. (2 Corinthians 3:18)

When I read history, I am continually awed by human resilience. You can turn to any historical point and find numerous examples of women and men overcoming the impossible. The idea that Nelson Mandela would ever be let out of a South African prison seemed absurd in my lifetime. Then, to witness Nelson Mandela become elected the President of the same country felt possible only through divine intervention.

When we read our Bible, we experience examples of the improbable becoming a reality. Elderly Sarah becomes a mother. Lowly, little David kills the monstrous Goliath. Saul, the persecutor, becomes Paul, the great Apostle and evangelist. John, who was forced to an island prison to be silenced, brings his “Book of Revelation” to the world for his contemporaries and centuries of later readers to experience.

There is joy in knowing that God continues to act in human history.

I am also awed by our Triune God because the Holy Spirit speaks to everyone, not just those who influence others nationally or internationally. We say it so often that we’ve lost sight of the awe and gratitude we should feel each day: God listens and cares about each one of our thoughts, struggles, and joys. Ponder the divine gift of participation in our lives at any meaningful level, and we should be driven to our knees by God’s willingness to share in our lives.

God miraculously blessed Sarah, the Queen of the three major monotheistic religions, with her firstborn, who went on to have as many descendants as stars in the sky. God instructs and forgives Kings like David. God also cares for little you and me. The same Spirit of God that provided life-transforming revelations to John inspires and guides us through every moment of our lives. God has given us access to the same resilience that Rahab received in hiding Joshua’s scouts from being murdered in Jericho. Turn to God multiple times daily, humbly asking for support, care, and wisdom, and the holy One will transform you. You will be able to overcome obstacles and make a lasting difference in the world. The same Spirit that empowered Mandela and Rahab loves and fills your soul.


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