Seeing the Messiah in Those the World Dismisses

Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. (Psalm 37:3)

Continuing my devotional series on Richard Rohr’s study on the book of Job, I will share a story Rohr offers from rabbinic tradition. When soldiers arrive in search of the fugitive, the townspeople protest that they know nothing. Suspecting their lie, the soldiers warn that, unless the fugitive is turned over by morning, the entire town will be destroyed. In deep fear, the people rush to their pastor for counsel. The pastor, greatly troubled, starts searching scripture for an answer. Then, his eyes fall on a passage, “It is better that one should die for the people than that the whole people be lost.”

The soldiers are informed that the fugitive is indeed hidden among them, and the young man is taken away. But the pastor is still troubled. An angel appears to him and asks what’s bothering him. “I still don’t feel right about turning over the fugitive,” the pastor says. The angel replies, “Did you not know that he was the Messiah?” The pastor is incredulous. “How was I to know?” he asks. “If, instead of reading your Bible,” the angel replies, “you had taken time to visit the young man and looked into his eyes, you would have known he was the Messiah.”

Rohr realizes what the Rabbi’s story intends for us to learn. Reading our Bibles alone will not provide the answer to life’s challenges. As people of faith, we must trust in God’s Holy Spirit to guide us through difficult times. As Rohr warns, “When we separate the scriptures from real life, we distort the scriptures. When we separate the scriptures from the people out of whom the scriptures were written, we misinterpret the scriptures.” Just like our Triune God, we are called to enter history and make a difference in God’s holy name.

Today, reflect on a challenging time in your life. When did you jump to a conclusion too quickly? When did you choose your own needs above those of another you did not consider as valuable as yourself? Scriptures, like faith, must have real-world implications to be of lasting value. Prayerfully call on the Holy Spirit to empower you with the courage and love necessary to see the Messiah in those the world often dismisses.


Avoidance Isn’t the Answer


Suffering A Spiritual Conversion