Don’t Give Up
written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski
“Thus says the man: I am weary, O God, I am weary, O God. How can I prevail?”
“Weary” is an interesting word. defines weary as “physically or mentally exhausted by hard work, exertion, strain, etc.; fatigued; tired.” Weary is to be fully drained in every way. Weariness can be either good or difficult. Good weariness is when you’ve just accomplished something meaningful, and it has taken every last thing out of you.
A marathon runner knows what it means to be truly weary. They run 26.2 miles, they’ve pushed past the wall of pain. Passing the finished line takes every ounce of physical energy. The person crosses the line, the legs go wobbly, and the body gives out. But running a marathon produces far more than just physical weariness. Running a marathon takes a huge physical toll. There is a demand for focusing step after step, mile after mile. There is knee pain at the eighth mile, side pain at the tenth mile, and blistered heel pain at the ninth mile. By the twenty-first mile, you feel you are losing track of reality. Yet, something within pushes you forward, and the mind brushes away the cobwebs, and you move through it until you cross the line.
Most of us have experienced similar weary struggles. We may never run a marathon, but we’ve experienced similar physical and mental challenges. Many cancer patients I’ve visited describe similar moments of pain along the race, even hitting the wall, before finally crossing the victory line of remission. Whatever your struggle, it requires hard work, determination, a willingness to sacrifice, practice, and trust that the finish line is achievable.
You will also become physically and mentally weary in the race of faith. There will be moments when it all seems too difficult. But just like the marathon runner, we are called to keep moving forward, putting one foot in front of the other, and never giving up. We have the blessing of the Holy Spirit, which lifts us up and makes our journey lighter, even when we are tired and weary. Never give up, and keep your faith moving forward.