Don’t Chuck it. Be Responsible!

So then each of us will give an account of himself to God. (Romans 14:12)

We often view responsible people as dull and, worse, a buzz kill for everyone else’s fun. Yet, in my experience, the irresponsible one becomes the buzz kill. From the college friend who drinks too much and requires a responsible friend to get them home to the older friend who is always in financial trouble because they cannot keep a job, irresponsible people add to other people’s stress levels.

Bayu Dewanto, in his article “Be Responsible,” calls his readers to step up and be accountable to themselves and others. “When we face our lives irresponsibly, we have a tendency to look outwards for a scapegoat to justify our suffering in the present, instead of looking for our own demons within.” Not only is the irresponsible person a pain to others, but then the same person tries to play the blame game. Dewanto confirms, “One cannot deny that it is the path with the least amount of unnecessary pain and suffering.” Pain and suffering diminish for the irresponsible person but also for everyone around them.

Dewanto contends, “Becoming responsible makes us strong as it is an act of consciously taking matters into our own hands, a show of power. With each and every problem that we try to solve proactively and responsibly, that power grows, and it will manifest itself into internal confidence that makes us unstoppable.” Suddenly, being responsible is no longer a buzz kill but cool!

Today, look around you. Where in your life could you be more responsible? Consider which moments of responsibility feel like a burden. Then, rather than saying, “To heck with it!” and chucking your duties aside, prayerfully ask God to give you the vision to see the benefits of being accountable. Embrace your responsibility so kindness, care, and respecting others become your way of life.


Stand Tall in the Face of Suffering


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