Daring Greatly (Yes, I stole the title from Brene Brown)
Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski
“Then the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision of the night. Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven.”
It is so easy to slip into management mode. Management mode is going from day-to-day, week-to-week, just checking off the “to do” list without ever asking, “why am I doing these activities?”
Leadership is about not only fulfilling commitments and obligations; it is also about moving forward in a direction that makes a positive difference in your life and the lives of others. The way we make a positive difference is through making meaningful connections with others.
The famous writer Brene Brown, in her book Daring Greatly, said, “I took away from my BSW, MSW, and Ph.D. in social work is this: Connection is why we’re here. We are hardwired to connect with others, it’s what gives purpose and meaning to our lives, and without it there is suffering.” Every goal or dream should have a way of connecting to others. The connection provides meaning and happiness. Plans that do not include others end up being hollow.
Others includes God. Dreams without God have wasted efforts. Including God in the process of creating visions and goals, the Divine One cultivates resilience, so we do not easily give up. Life goals will cause us to face shame, imperfection, and external resistance, but with the Spirit’s gift of resilience, all things are possible. With God’s support, we can dream big and dare greatly.
Today, prayerfully take time to consider being the leader of your life, rather than just managing the life others control. Consider how our plans influence and benefit those around us, making deeper connections. Then, invite God to step into our life plan and bless it so we can dare greatly and do great things in God’s name.