Courageous Thinking Vs. Positive Thinking
Written by: Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski
“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff-they comfort me.”
It was “The Power of Positive Thinking” that brought Norman Vincent Peale celebrity and a huge bank account. “The Power of Positive Thinking” birthed the Crystal Cathedral and the syrupy sermons of Robert Schuler. Amidst its simplified self-help, it had millions of adherences in the 1950’s through the 1980’s. Now, however, the tide has turned on the positive thinking empire.
According to Dr. Russ Harris, and his book “The Happiness Trap: How to Stop Struggling and Start Living,” “Positive thinking is not going to magically get rid of all your pain. We don’t learn, at least in Western culture, how to deal effectively with the pain that’s inevitable in life.” For Harris, healthy living isn’t found through the avoidance of Positive Thinking, but about learning the skills necessary for you to courageously face and address your pain.
The key to learning to face your pain is the recognition that pain is a resource, rather than a weapon. Pain helps us realize we are in need of attention in some area. Ignoring, or masking the pain, keeps it festering in your life. Learning to let the emotion flow through you, and interacting with the core of the pain, is the means to healing.
Today, prayerfully ask God to bring the courage necessary to face your pain. Don’t mask it with alcohol, or trying to fake yourself out by forcing yourself to think positively. “Walk through the valley of the shadow of death,” but know that it cannot destroy you. God will be there to guide your way and give you the courage to address your pain and find healing. It isn’t quick and doesn’t have cute lines, but it is effective. Start today, living a life of Courageous Thinking!
Note: Pastor Scott is currently on study leave. We hope you have enjoyed the above devotion, which was originally published on May 2, 2019. Pastor Scott will resume his devotions on Monday, May 10.