Awareness Is Key

written by: Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

I keep the LORD always before me; because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.
— Psalm 16:8

As believers in our Triune God, we trust the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, is all around and with us every minute of every day. Pondering the implications of God’s reality brings hope and optimism to our often painful and cynical world. A friend shared his belief that “Awareness is energy.” He continued, “Whatever we place our awareness upon, we give our power to. What we give power to rebounds back to us.” As followers of our Triune God, we affirm the energy of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives.

 Our technology has created more ways to pull our awareness away from God and toward the latest gimmick or entertaining diversion. What rebounds back to us is little more than mental gibberish. The rebounded diversions are fine until we face moments of personal suffering and widespread injustice. Unless we’ve been focusing on God, other energy will leave us cold and empty. Sadly, only then do many people turn to God with bitterness, as if it is God’s fault they are getting little profound meaning returning to them.

 The reason why we drag ourselves to church on Sunday, when we had a busy week and could use the extra sleep, isn’t just for the day, but receiving the awareness and energy for the day when life becomes painfully uncertain and hopelessness feels overwhelming. Praying daily, even when it doesn’t feel natural or fulfilling, creates needed discipline so when the suffering comes, the Spirit rebounds back to us support and care.

 It isn’t that we earn care or build up a reserve that the Spirit offers back. Instead, it is our human recognition that the Spirit is constantly rebounding back to us. Still, when we are regularly aware of other things, we do not recognize the Holy Spirit bouncing back new life and divine support. In your daily prayers, weekly worship, and care for others, pay attention to the Spirit bouncing back support to you. Recognizing the Spirit’s movement when life is more manageable allows you to be aware of the Spirit’s care when life is devastating. Be aware, and God will feel ever closer to you in the enjoyable and painful days.


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