A Legacy Worth Sharing

“Now concerning the collection for the saints: you should follow the directions I gave to the churches of Galatia. On the first day of every week, each of you is to put aside and save whatever extra you earn, so that collections need not be taken when I come.”

(1 Corinthians 16:1-2)

When my parents divorced, my mother, brother, and I moved in with our grandmother. My mother used the little money my grandmother had to return to college and get her degree. We had very little to live on. Sunday church services were sometimes uncomfortable because even the passing of the collection plate made my mother feel guilty. The month of stewardship would make her feel depressed. For years, I was very uncomfortable asking for money.

Over the years, I’ve learned that giving is one of the greatest gifts we can offer others. Giving gives others the opportunity to look beyond themselves and make a difference in this world. It has less to do with the amount than with the sacrifice. I wish someone had said that to my mother.

Mom would look at other people, who she knew had a lot more money, giving large amounts, which intimidated her. God doesn’t care who gives more; what God cares about is your giving from your heart. When you sacrifice a vacation to make your pledge, God smiles. When you give up a couple of monthly dinners out to make your pledge, your life feels more meaningful. When you have very little, giving anything is a sacrifice. Sacrificing is a Christ-like act.

I pray for the day when our church does not need an annual stewardship drive. I pray for the day when everyone in our church is giving sacrificially. I want this to meet our budget and continue to make a difference in our members’ spiritual lives and our community. Furthermore, I pray for this so everyone can experience the joy of giving and making a difference. Individually, we can make very little change. Together, our tithes and offerings can transform our world.

Today, think about the legacy you are leaving your family. I do not mean how much money you are providing each family member. I mean, are you setting a faithful example of giving? Are you showing those you love how to love others? Are you providing a legacy of humble faith based on generosity? Giving your family a few extra bucks after you die is worth little compared to the example of generosity you can bestow on them. A generous life is a whole and meaningful life. Share it!


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