Radiating Christ’s Love

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)

I am reading The Power of Myth by Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers. One of the quotes struck me as worthy of further consideration. “‘Preachers err,’ he told me, by trying ‘to talk people into belief; better they reveal the radiance of their own discovery.’” In a sermon a few months ago, I said that if I could start over, my undergraduate degree would be in Creative Writing because a poet would best express the awe of God. Campbell and Moyer describe awe as the ability to reveal the radiance of their own discovery in God’s relationship with us.

While most of us are not poets, we can still ponder the radiance of our discovery. First, we need to think of our faith in terms of radiance and discovery. Radiance is defined as light or heat as emitted or reflected by something. It is our task as Christians to reflect the radiant love of God. We may never shine with the brilliant light of Jesus’ transfigured garments, but we can radiate God’s love in our small way.

Some examples from Westminster Church include radiating God’s love through keeping homeless families together through the Family Promise organization housed in our church building. We radiate God’s love through working and purchasing vegetables from our church garden. The love shines as we invite 20 immigrant families to grow and sell vegetables from our garden. We radiate God’s love by sharing BedTime Bible with children worldwide. These are just three examples of the many ways our congregation radiates Christ. Westminster is not alone. When you drive past a church, just imagine how each one radiates Christ to the world in their way.

When you pass your church and every other place of worship, say a prayer for how they radiate God’s love to the world. Our world needs God’s light to shine. We live in a tenuous world with nuclear weapons, potential pandemics, and so many other violent threats that we should give up if not for those who radiate divine love and care. Prayerfully think of ways to radiate love and care in Christ’s name today. When you love and care, God’s light will radiate through you. Not only will others feel blessed, but God’s light shining will also impact our somewhat callused hearts.


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