Wear Your Dirt Proudly

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. (2 Cor. 5:21)

Today is Ash Wednesday. In a perfect world, I would hold the service at 7:00 AM rather than have the service in the evening. But, alas, I doubt the early hour would be an attendance boost. Yet, spending the whole day with the ashes on your forehead would be a visible sign of your faith in our Triune God. The dirty cross on your face would tell everyone that you believe God will wipe you clean on the inside, even if your outside is a bit sooty. Your filth proclaims your trust that alone, you are dust, but with God’s mercy and grace, you are made whole and worthy of salvation.

Even if you go home from tonight’s service, and the first thing you do is wipe the grime off your head, know that you cannot wipe away the cross that the Spirit burned on your heart. God loves and cares for you. While you and I cannot change our limited lifespan, God is able and willing to extend that lifespan and make it eternal. Allowing ash to be placed on your forehead confirms that you call yourself one who puts your life in the hands of the Almighty One. Wear your dirt proudly!


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