Help With Food Insecurity in Our Neighborhood
Little Free Pantry
Please consider donating to the Little Free Pantry, located across the street from the church on Franklin Avenue. We are accepting items such as dry goods, canned food, individually packaged snacks, and toiletries.
Monroe Elementary Food Pantry
We are continuing our partnership with Monroe Elementary through the Monroe Elementary Food Pantry. Donations for the Food Pantry are collected inside the southwest door of the church building.
Monroe Elementary’s most needed items include:
spices/condiments: small bottles of cinnamon, turmeric, chili powder, (regular) salt, pepper, and/or cumin powder
Jasmine rice
Spaghetti (noodles) and spaghetti/marinara sauce
Ramen noodles (beef, shrimp, or chicken)
Cereal (Fruit Loops, Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Frosted Flakes, or Cap’n Crunch)
Black beans (dry, bagged)
Fruit (mixed fruit)
Salmon (canned)
Blessing Bags
Blessing bags are available in the baskets at the top of the stairs by the Allison and Franklin doors. Keep a few in your car to help someone in need.