DSM Refugee Support: Back to School Free Store
As part of their family support, Des Moines Refugee Support hosts three yearly events that provide families with clothing, household items, and any other necessary goods. Their upcoming event, The Back-to-School Free Store, will prepare over 400 families (at least 1000+ people) for the upcoming school year with: school supplies, toiletries, socks and undies, winter clothing, winter gear, and sneakers. The Back-to-School Free Store will also provide free dental checks, sports physicals, and haircuts! A donation bin has been set up in The Commons where you can drop off any of the above listed items before the collection date on August 11!
If you can volunteer your time on August 12 to help organize and make sure the free store runs smoothly, reach out to Ella Schlueter via email ella@dsmrefugeesupport.org and let her know!