Year of Kindness & Gratitude- 3rd Week of Advent.

The theme for the third week of Advent is Joy.

“Gratitude Comes Before Joy” reflections taken from Tim and Olive’s Blog.

Researcher and author Brene Brown says that in her 12 years of research and 11,000 pieces of data she has discovered this, “I did not interview a single person who described their life as joyful or joyous who did not actively practice gratitude.” She goes on to say that these people had a tangible practice of gratitude in their life.

It is not joy that makes us grateful. It is gratitude that makes us joyful.” -David Raust

Joy is not the result of a positive outcome or circumstance in life. Rather, joy comes from living a life of gratitude. Being grateful is a decision and something that is practiced. When we can be grateful in all circumstances, then we can be joyful in all circumstances.

As you light the candle for this Advent theme, visualize the things that bring you joy. Whether that is an activity, a person, or a place, intentionally make whatever brings you joy a part of your day. Joy doesn’t just happen; it’s up to us to choose it daily.

Reflections of gratitude:

“I am grateful for this opportunity (completing 21 Days of Gratitude) to count and recall my many blessings. Thank you!” from Tammy Ameling, Traer, Iowa

Diane Kirke shared her gratitude experience: “A bus operator friend of mine was walking across Southwest Ninth Street near the bus garage -- in the crosswalk and with the walk light in his favor -- when he was hit by a small box truck. Rusty was thrown quite a distance but escaped without head or any other serious injuries. Not surprisingly, he was back at work (light duty) on Wednesday. He told another bus operator friend of mine that he feels bad for the driver of the truck since the accident was not intentional. I am extremely grateful that Rusty was not badly injured, and I am happy that he appears to be forgiving the truck driver involved, which should help in his own healing process. “


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