Not the Final Nail in the Coffin

Written by Rev. Dr. Scott Paczkowski

Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood.
— (Acts 20:28)

The Christian Church is in numerical decline. It used to be just the mainline churches, but the conservative churches are now on the slide. There are ways the churches can improve. Yet, like most things, there is a historical ebb and flow to popularity. In the low periods, hanging on and continuing ministry with integrity is vital.

As a mainline Christian pastor, I believe there is a future for God’s Church in our way of living our faith as a worshiping community. I am not feeling desperate. The Mainline Church’s decline does not mean it will be fatal. When I taught a Confirmation Class a few months ago, even the group of 8th graders shared concern for the future of the Christian faith they were preparing to join publicly. I spent time reassuring them and myself that there is reason to place our hope in God’s call for the Church.

Many mainline denominations and their churches will remain relevant because, unlike many denominations with little or no higher governing bodies, mainline churches have accountability. In an age where responsibility for sex abuse in worshipping communities is finally becoming the norm, mainline churches with higher governing bodies have been significantly more honest. Sex abuse still occurs in the mainline community, but it is rarely allowed to flourish without accountability. While the Southern Baptist Church is now facing its sin of intentionally covering up abuse, mainline denominations have held their own accountable along the way.

Mainline churches are also dedicated to intellect as well as emotion. There is a level of intellectual integrity in mainline churches that will remain necessary to survive the challenges of decline. Finally, mainline churches are committed to peace and justice that keeps the faith relevant in a continually changing society. Love trumps hate, and mainline churches offer a theology of love unconditionally. Today, pray for the Christian Church, specifically for mainline churches like ours. There is value and long-term viability with the mainline because while no human institution is perfect, God’s Spirit will continue to bless efforts to live our faith with integrity.  


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