No Exceptions?!

“Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ.” (Ephesians 5:21)

Thank goodness we have God’s grace and mercy on which to rely. I am in real trouble if I have to “be subject” to the person who cuts me off on Hickman Rd because they are too busy texting. Do I have to “be subject” to the kid in the car next to me who has this car stereo blaring so loudly that my teeth chatter? What about the people in the Polk County jail? What does “be subject” mean to people in North Korea? It couldn’t include the North Koreans?!

Sadly, the Bible didn’t stipulate a series of exceptions. No, just the opposite. “Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ.” No exceptions. Most of the time, God seems too demanding. I struggle with the idea that any of us should “be subject” to a dictator, an abuser, or anyone cruel and heartless. Is God asking us to roll over and allow the worst of humanity to take over? Does the Holy Spirit fix it all if we roll over and let God control everything? Wouldn’t that just allow more Hitlers to take advantage?

This is one devotional where I don’t even try to come up with an answer. Perhaps I should continue to “be subject” to people who test my ability to overcome road rage. Putin and Kim Jung-Un are just two examples of the many dangerous dictators around our world. Where does “being subject” stop and taking control start?

Being subject” means having compassion and caring for others. That means helping them do what is in their best interest, and what is best for the whole world is what is best for the individual. Being a dictator isn’t in the world’s best interest, so “being subject” to the dictator is best served by helping that dictator lose power and control. Helping dictators stop their horrible sins is the best way to “be subject” to them. The challenge is to do it so that it does not hurt the masses around them. Remember, each of the dictators’ citizens is a human being we are called to “be subject” to. That means we cannot just blow the dictator’s country off the map. That would dishonor the God who called us to “be subject” to all God’s children.

Today, pray for the difficult situations in our world. From the challenges we face daily to world leaders and their diplomatic responsibilities, the Spirit’s guidance must be in our midst. Consider the individuals who challenge your patience or bring out your anger. Think of them as God’s unique joys. It will change the way you focus on them. Then, pray for the world’s crises, asking for the Holy Spirit’s intervention. Our world cannot survive its nuclear power unless all of us are “subject” to God.

This devotion was originally published in September of 2017


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