Listen, Look, and Respond

I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? (Isaiah 43:19)

The concept of belief is courageous and transformative to the core of our being. Sadly, because so many claim belief, we have domesticated it into something benign. Isaiah 43’s writer couldn’t imagine the idea of a Messiah like Jesus. Yet, he did understand that something new would take place, and the world would never be the same.

Not only will this new thing Isaiah addresses transform our world, but it will also change our individual lives. God is doing something new in your life. We must address whether we trust God enough to listen and respond to God. God is doing something profound in each of our lives. It is taking place at this moment. Do you believe God is at work in you? Your life will be whole when you believe in God’s commitment to you. The Holy Spirit will guide you to situations where you can make a meaningful difference.

Each day, I am blessed enough to witness God’s hand at work in my little part of the world. One day each week, a group of us mentor at a local elementary school. I appreciate watching the relationship between each mentor and mentee grow. Over the past three years, I have witnessed children and their mentors grow in trust and care for each other. At first, it appeared that the adults were helping young people. Instead, the Spirit blessed both child and mentor through the divine acts of mutual compassion. Going to the school each week and visiting and playing with the Mentees gives us something new and a divine blessing.

Your focus should not be on trying to do remarkable new things. Instead, pray daily with trust in the Spirit’s divine action. Let God be responsible for the direction and edification in your life. Your task is to listen and respond when God places something new in your path. Through weekly worship, daily prayer, and regular Bible reading and reflection, you will notice the handiwork of God taking place in and through you. Listen, believe, and respond!


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