Year of Kindness and Gratitude- The season of Advent is a time of sharing gratitude.

During the season of Advent, the Connections Committee encourages the congregation to focus on the basic meaning of Christmas in preparation for the birth of Christ and reflect on our many blessings and gratitude of the love of God in everything. When thinking about what you appreciate around you, share your gratitude with others.

During the Christmas holiday, cards are frequently exchanged that include a generic greeting with a signature penned beneath. The Connections Committee challenge to you for the month of December is to write at least one gratitude letter or make a gratitude visit. Write a handwritten letter to a person you are particularly grateful to have in your life.

Be detailed. Express all the wonderful qualities about this person, and how they personally have affected your life for the better. If you have the time and means, make an in-person visit to someone who positively touched your life. Thank them for all they did and spend time visiting.

Another way to share gratitude is by delivering baked goods to the local fire station or donate food to a local food pantry.

“Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.” —Randy Pausch

Thanks to those who completed the 21 Days of Gratitude Challenge. There is still time to complete the challenge. Drop off or send in your completed form to the office.

A few thoughts shared from the completed challenge:

#4: Who in your life are you most grateful for:

  • My maternal grandmother

  • All of my family

  • My WPC family and many friends

#21: What daily habit are you grateful for:

  • Quiet mornings

  • Able to pray

  • Spending time with my pets


Adult Ed: Pastor Scott’s Bible Study “Violence and the Bible”


November Volunteer Opportunities