Caring for Others

Please help us stay in touch with Westminster members who are unable to attend Sunday services in person. Every Sunday, you will see a table at the north end of The Commons with cards and pens. Just take a minute to stop by the table and sign you name on each card at the table. You do not need to be personally acquainted with a member to show you care about them. Everyone including children, choir members, ushers, pastors, and YOU are encouraged to sign the cards every week.

These members receive several cards during the year, and we know they are appreciated. If you know of a church member who would benefit from receiving a card, please contact Susan in the church office (515-274-1534 or, so their name can be added to the list.

If you would like to help by contributing blank cards (no freebies sent by charitable organizations please), leave them in the church office. Thanks so much.


Meet Chris Page


Westminster’s Year of Gratitude